
accessed 9/3/13 http://www.sleepdex.org/images/helen2.jpg

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Trojans Turn

I have been told that the Achaians are starting to lose control of this war. With Zeus on the Trojans side there is no stopping Hektor. Agamemnon is so desperate that he sent Odysseus, Aias, and Phoenix to ask Achilleus to fight. Agamemnon offered everything he could from gold and animals to even his own daughter. However nothing seems to have helped heal the damage Agamemnon did by taking away Breisis from Achilleus. I have yet to hear that Achilleus has entered the battlefield so he must not have taken his offer and I assume will be leaving soon. The other night Hektor wanted to see what the Achaians were planning, so he promised a soldier Dolon, Achilleus's chariot and horses if he would be the Trojans spy. What he didn't know was that Agamemnon sent out his own spies, Odysseus and Diomedes. When they found Dolon he begged for his life and even sold secrets about the Thracian's, the Trojan allies; however, they still killed him. Odysseus and Diomedes went on and ended up killing 12 of the Thracian's and took their horses back to their camp with renewed faith for the Achaians. When the next battle began Zeus sent Iris to tell Hektor to not fight till Agamemnon is hurt. Once he gets the signal Hektor unleashes battle, and I am told Paris even injured the great Diomedes. When major figures like Odysseus and the medicine man come back to the Achaians hurt Nestor goes to Patroklos to ask for his help. Nestor asks if Patroklos could talk to Achilleus or maybe take his armor and wear it in battle to try and motivate the soldiers. Patroklos agrees to talk to Achilleus.

Accessed 9/18/13

When I heard Paris had hurt Diomedes I was proud. Finally the man I choose to leave everything for was finally becoming a hero. I didn't know how bad he hurt him but I didn't care. I am just glad he is finally out on the battlefield. I was becoming so embarrassed of him that I didn't know what I could do to motivate him. I am just happy that the Trojans are taking a lead. The women in Troy seem to not hate me so much now that more of their husbands are staying alive. Hopefully this battle will be over soon so everyone can get back to their lives from nine years ago. As long as Achilleus doesn't fight I feel like we have a real chance.

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