
accessed 9/3/13 http://www.sleepdex.org/images/helen2.jpg

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Hope for the Trojans

It has been nine years since this war started and I feel like it will never end. I have heard whispers about the Greeks and am starting to feel hope. It has been said that the great Achilles wrath is over powering. Since there last victory Achilles has been treated with disrespect by Agamemnon, and his not getting his just reward. Unfortunately the Gods have become involved on both sides. It has been said that the war would not have taken such a change if it wasn't for Apollo and the plague he placed on the Greeks. Zeus also has been part of both sides in this war. He has recently sent a dream to Agamemnon to encourage him to gather all his troops and have a full frontal attack on the Trojans. The problem is the Greeks have been missing their most priced fighter, Achilles due to how he has been treated. This could be a huge advantage for the Trojans. I was also told a message was sent recently to the Trojans about military strategy and how the Greeks are forming their troop by their homeland. I can tell by all this talk that this was just the beginning.

These recent turns of events have taken a toll on everyone. I look out onto the balcony and am scared of what is to come. I know that this war would have happened eventually, but I never would have thought that I could have caused such a thing. When I heard about Achilles and Agamemnon fighting I hoped that maybe this would be a distraction for the men and a weakness would emerge in battle over who the soldiers were fighting for. Then, the other day I also witnessed something hopeful. When I saw the men retreating back to their ships after Agamemnon told them his dream was to retreat I felt hope once again. I called to Hektors wife and sat on the balcony hoping that the soldiers would leave and never come back. Agamemnon must have been so upset to see how eager his troops were to leave and how low moral they must have had. We kept getting such great news that even when we got our message from Zeus we knew that we had Gods on our side. Once the message was received and Hektor was in charge I could tell the things were about to change.  

                                                                     accessed 9/8/13 https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgYOuXG9t3kQyWj3XpAVbej8-ihFXOOMzyqu9g1MJ-1sIrJVpVExLEONSO8W_NZ7wqzFrQFe0z5JOYso9EIfQncZPlMzOC_-YjoK6wZF-NO9OhMrwP4p-4oN4XWQD-qHLYF7HRFI-DrveA/s1600/Greek+shipS+Troy.jpg

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