
accessed 9/3/13 http://www.sleepdex.org/images/helen2.jpg

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Achilleus Revenge

I was told that Achilleus had entered the battle and the moral of the Achaians intensified as he walked out onto the battlefield. Unfortunately it wasn't Achilleus but instead Patroklos who was leant his armor by Achilleus. Achilleus told Patroklos that he was only to help push the Trojans back from the ships and to stay away from Hektor, but he didn't listen. When he was on the battlefield he was amazing. He was killing in almost a god like fashion. When Hektor slayed him and took his armor I knew that trouble would come swiftly to him. As I sit in the walls of Troy I hear snip-its from the outside and hope that the Trojans stay strong, and are able to strip it of its armor. The Trojans try to keep Patroklos's body but the Achaians eventually are able to bring it back. When Achilleus finds out he is overcome with defeat. Hera comes to talk to Achellius to encourage him to fight against the Trojans. He says he will fight once his mother brings back his armor from Hephaistos. Achilleus is told by him mother that if he goes into battle he will never return home. Achilleus accepts his fate. 

I saw Achilleus's plan right away. Achilleus gives Patroklos his gear so that he could play a trick. The Achainas think that he cares and at the same time he could take care of his ships. However, when Hektor takes Patroklos's armor and the Trojans refuse to give back his body to the Achaians that is a huge sign of disrespect. This is a foreshadow of what will happen to Hektor once he dies. When Hera comes to Achilleus we can see the power of women in this poem. Hera is able to almost talk him into battle without his armor. Achilleus is so vulnerable that he is willing to do anything to avenge his friends death and eventually join him in the after life. 

accessed: 9/25/13

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