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Saturday, September 14, 2013

Hope for the Trojans

Today Hektor came charging into Troy with a message for his mother and the women of Troy. Hektor was told by his brother to leave battle to tell the women to gather and bring 12 unbroken heifers, and have the nicest and longest robe put on the feet of Athene's statue in the goddess temple. Hektor's mother chose the robe Paris brought back after his trip to Sparta. I remember when he gave her the robe. Before Hektor goes back to battle he barges into Paris's chamber where Paris was trying on his armor and I was laying down. As Hektor scolds Paris for not be on the battle ground Paris begins to put on his armor and assures his brother that he will be standing next to him. After Hektor leaves he goes to visit his wife and son that begs him not to go back to war. Unfortunately Hektor goes back to the fighting and is told by his other brother Helenos that he overheard the gods and says that he should challenge an Achaian fighter. When he does Menelaus is the only one to come forward, but when Agamemnon convinces him to step back Aias is eventually motivated to fight. The duel goes on until the men decide that the gods have not decided their fates, so they exchange a part of their war armor and decide to stop their fight for now. As Hektor comes back to the Trojans the consul decides that they should just give the Achaians back Helen and her possessions. Paris speaks up and refuses to give Helen back but will give back her possessions and some of his. The consul also talks about stopping war so that they may properly bury their soldiers. After the meeting the Trojans send a messenger Idias to the Achaians with their requests. They refuse the first request but agree with the Trojans that they also need time to bury their deceased. So both sides stop fighting for the time being. While this is happened Zeus has called a meeting up in Olympus and threatens the other gods that if they get involved in the war anymore that he will punish them to the most extreme. After the meeting Hera and Athene try to help the Achaians but when Zeus finds out he threatens Athene which forces her and the rest of the gods to sit on the side lines while they let fate handle the mortals destinies.

When Hektor came storming into Paris's chamber I felt a sense of longing for a man with that type of ambition and strength. I always had an attraction towards Hektor that I could not describe. So when Paris left the room I tried to make my feelings clear to Hektor, but he did not want any part of it. He left the chamber abruptly with confidence in his marriage and who he was as a husband. I truly wish Paris had this trait. I sit inside these walls all day hoping this man I left everything for will fight with dignity for my honor. Hopefully this spark Hektor has given him will push him to battle.

Hektor returning to Troy with news for the women of Troy.


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