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Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Power of the Gods

I have learned that Hektor has broken down the Achaians walls and have backed them into a corner until Poseidon decided to help the Achaians when Zeus decided to leave. When Hektor decides to regroup his army he finds out that a lot of his men have either retreated or have died. This motivates Hektor to fight even harder. When Agamemnon brings up leaving again to save what he has left Odysseus and Diomedes convince him otherwise. While Zeus is with Hera, Hektor becomes injured by Aias and must be taken back to Troy, while the Achaians get control with the help of Poseidon and kill many Trojans. When Zeus awakes from his sleep he is furious with Hera and sends Apollo to help Hektor and get him back on the battlefield. Even though he tells Hera when and how Hektor will die Zeus still wants to keep control. Once Hektor has reentered the war the Trojans end up taking most of the Achaians camp and become extremely close to their ships.

I feel there is nothing any of us mortals can do at this point. The fate of this war is in the gods hands. Hera is doing everything in her power to see Troy fall. She is using Aphrodite and Zeus's weaknesses to get want she wants. She seduced Zeus in order for the Achaians to gain confidence and battleground. Even though Agamemnon has lost moral and is again trying to retreat, we can see his shame, but his men are not willing to leave. Odysseus and Diomedes are not willing to just give up. They have lost so much that they can not just leave and risk losing more. They don't want to be seen as shameful and lose their tyme. However, Zeus has a plan and the reason he is so upset with Hera and Poseidon is because he knows what is suppose to happen and doesn't want his power to be under minded. I hope that while Paris if fighting he is being heroic and gaining tyme even though the Trojans are not destined to win.

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