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Friday, October 4, 2013

My Life After Troy

After the Battle of Troy, I ended up leaving with Menelaus to Lacedaemon. We lived happily ever after together. The battle changed Menelaus. He started to appreciate our relationship more. For the rest of my life I stayed with Menelaus and tried to be a better wife. However, I could never get the image of Hektor dying out of my mind. I will always regret my decision to go with Paris, because if I would have stayed with Menelaus I would have saved the lives of many hero's.

The End of Hektor

When I saw Hektor not come into the walls of Troy I knew his prophecy would be fulfilled that day. As I stood and watched Achilleus and Hektor battle I couldn't believe how fast it ended. All of a sudden Hektor was laying on the ground with a spear through his throat. Achilleus then proceeded to drag Hektor's body back behind the chariot to the Achaians camp. I heard that the Achaians celebrated the life of Patroklos by playing games for his tyme while they left poor Hektor's body to rot. After a couple of days Priam could no longer live without burring his son properly. So with the help of the gods Priam went to Achilleus and was able to recover his sons body and 12 days to bury him without war.

When Hektor's body was returned it finally hit me that he was gone. He was the one person that never looked down on me while I was in Troy, "There was no other in all the wide Troad who was kind to me, and my friend; all others shrank when they saw me" (Lattimore pg.518 line 774-775) When Hektor looked at me I never saw the judgmental eyes that everyone else gave me. I can't believe my life choices took the life of Hektor. Hopefully now that he is being buried properly he will be able to be at peace. Hektor was a true hero.

Achilleus killing Hektor